Knight Gianella Board Survey

The “world” of corporate governance continues to evolve rapidly, even in the current situation. It continuously challenges board members, even in their personal lives. Besides the parameters changing nationally and internationally in terms of politics and regulation, the pandemic is constantly adding new economic complexities with entrepreneurial opportunities and risks. The requirements and conditions for BoD activities and, consequently, the competence portfolio of the respective BoD committees are changing accordingly. To better understand these and draw the right conclusions, our representative overview supplemented by Swiss trend observations can be helpful. This is especially true in view of the succession planning for the annual General Assemblies 2024/25 upcoming in many BoD bodies.

Knight Gianella, in collaboration with IMD (one of the world’s leading business schools based in Lausanne,, has developed a questionnaire for this purpose. Gfs-zürich (market and social research, has conducted an anonymous online survey of board members of listed and unlisted larger companies in Switzerland.

The informative and representative report was presented on 24 November 2023, on the occasion of the 27th Bad Ragaz Board of Directors Conference.